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moving mother and kittens


i wish to move mother and kittens to another room in the house is this save. kittens are 2 weeks old and eyes are openand they are still on bedding they were born on.

Hi Ray, most moms don't like you to move the kittens around. They feel safe where they had them and don't want to be interferred with. HOweVer>>> in about 1-2 weeks the mom will want to move the kittens herself. you will see her start to carry the kittens around the house. This is your opportunity to get her set up in a place that you would prefer her to be. But unless she is very very easy going.. I would not move them now.
You can change the bedding and she should be fine. What I do is hang the old dirty bedding on the side of the box so she can still see it and smell it and put the clean bedding under her and the kittens.. then a day later you can throw the old stuff into the laundry. Teresa