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siamese cat behaviour


Hi Norman,

My Husband and I have a Siamese cat who is approximately 1 year old. Lately he has gotten into the habit of waking up at 6:15 am every morning and meowing at our bedroom door.  We are trying to ignore him, however, he will keep this up for quite a long time and it is very difficult to ignore his very loud meow. It appears as though he wants to be fed, although we feed him at night before we go to bed and there is always some food left in the dish when he is meowing. If he is not hungry, what could be causing this and do you have any suggestions on how to get him to stop? We also have two other cats (rescued cats) who are not exhibiting this behaviour.


You will not like my answer, but here goes.

First of all, cats are nothing if not persistent!!!!!!  Also, there is no way I know to get your Siamese to stop meowing.

So, what I recommend is going to a travel store and getting those soft earplugs the airlines give their first class passengers on trans-oceanic flights. At least you won't hear the meowing.  Of course, you may not hear the alarm clock, either.

Best regards... Norm.