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pregnant cats


We have 5 cats, 2 of them are pregnant. The youngest 1 is about to give birth any
day now and I'm worried that the other pregnant cat will get jealous and try
harm the kittens as she always hisses and tries to attack the other cats. Is there
any chance of her doing this?


It's hard to say what the other pregnant cat will do.  Cats are territorial and if they feel someone or something is encroaching on their territory, it's possible that she could become aggressive.  You didn't say how far along she is? If she's also close to delivering, then she may be too concerned with getting her own kittens ready, and doing nesting for herself and her kittens.  On the other hand, when the one cat has babies, she could become very maternal towards the babies.  

I would strongly suggest, though, that you separate the cats who are pregnant.  This is their time to birth and care for their babies, and if there's another threatening cat around, she could abandon her babies or even kill them.  They need to remain separate so each of them can give birth in a safe environment and then raise their kittens in a safe environment.  

I have to say this because of all the unwanted cats and kittens out there---please get your cats spayed and neutered!!  I can't stress this enough because I see everyday all the unwanted cats and kittens that come into shelters that are euthanized.  The shelter I volunteer at euthanizes on average over 20 cats/day!  That's 140 cats/wk, or 560 cats/month.  No matter how you slice it or dice it, that's a lot!!  Please, please, after they have this litter, get them spayed, and if you have any other females that aren't fixed, get them spayed, and get any males neutered as well.  Please don't contribute to the problem of unwanted pets and homelessness.  

