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our new cat


Karen- We have just adopted "Charley Bucket",a beautiful 4 year old neutered male. We expected him to want to hide on us,and he does! Much better than we thought he would! He has not eaten in two+ days.How long should we expect this to go on?  Thanks for your help. The Britt Family

Hi Bill,

Congratulations on your new addition. Charley Bucket is most likely very stressed out right now. Do you know where he is hiding? Cats like to make themselves very small and hide in places where you wouldn't think to find them. If you can, locate his hiding area but don't disturb him. Move food, water and the litter box nearby. He will come out during the night in the beginning. If you see him at that time just talk gently to him. He will get used to you and eventually allow you to pet him. When he doesn't run from you when you speak offer him some cat treats. He won't take them from you but if you toss them nearby he will eat them. It shouldn't take longer than two weeks for him to relax and start responding to you. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen