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Cat meowing (second opinion)


My cat is 7 months old, and for no reason (that i know of) at all walks around just meowing, and he doesn't stop until I shoosh him. I check his food and water to make sure it's not that. He does it just when he's walking around the house for no reason! Why?


Is your cat neutered?  If not, since this is prime mating season, he is at the right age to be very hormonal (puberty).  If he is not neutered, he needs to be neutered quickly, so he does not exhibit other whole male annoying habits (like peeing where he should not).

If the cat is neutered, he may be hearing all the breeding going on and just be reacting to it.  I would keep an eye on him to make sure there is no physical/medical problem going on.

Best regards... Norm.