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senile cat


Hi, i have a cat, he would be about 14-15 now, lately we have noticed alot he seems to be loosing his marbles (mind) he meows all the time you go near him but doesnt seem to want anything, we thought it was hunger but there is always food available, when he grooms he seems to stop and forgets what he's doing, He sits and stares at nothing or at you.. whenever the door is opened he's waiting to go in or out.. he wander's around like he's lost, we are convinced he's going senile? We have a female that is 16 she is still like a kitten?

Hi Sandra,

Cats usually don't go senile. When an older cat has a change of behavior it is usually a sign that he isn't well. Have a vet give him a check up. Loud meowing for no reason, the grooming and the lethargy can mean thyroid disease. Your vet should find out what is wrong with him. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen