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female cat spraying ; Bac-Out Stain Odor;


I have 2 females cat's.they R indoor cats. One of them is spraying on everything in my house,she is about 7lbs or so.I feed her meow mix.I recently bought in a female cat that is pregnant that  my neighbor left behind when there moved and that is when she started to spray and has continued after the outside cat was removed.

Hi Janet, sorry, your cat is very upset about the other addition.  You will need to clean all the areas with a special organic spray.  Also, wash any and all bedding in a laundry detergent with some Clorox.  
Try to find a good enzyme pet cleaner:

I love this one:
By BioKleen
Bac-Out  Stain and Odor Eliminator
( spray this on the walls, furniture --- all over)

HOPE this helps

Marie Peppers LPN MA
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