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intro a nw cat into a dog family


I have a mixed lab and pitbull 8 years old, a 13 year old lab and a 19 year old cat who passed about 6 months ago.  I found a stray cat living under a friends shed.  with the bad weather I brought her into my garage today.  she appears to be gentle and wants affection. How should I introduce her in the family.  She appears to be a cat teen.  My dogs got along with my cat who passed, but it was her home first.  Does that matter.  The Lab pit mix does not get along with other dogs.  But I never attempted to get another kitty and introduce them.  Any suggestions?

yes i have written  a page about introducing cats to each other on my website but the process is the same for a dog. The secret is to take things slowly and calmly, it may take some weeks to get them all settled but it will pay off in the long run. Here is my link to my page which contains the information /introducing-cats.html

Best wishes