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Mum cat still very bloated 5 days after giving birth.



I am a bit aprehensive asking this, because if there is something very wrong, there is not much I can do about it because I am a backpacker deep in the outback, it is literally at least 3+ hours to the nearest vet, and the family I am with are not concerned about any of the cats, they are farmcats there to eat the mice & are otherwise given very little attention by the residents, other that a daily feed. So I hope I am just being a worry-wort.

This cat has apparently had a litter before, tho its been at least a year or so since they have had any kittens on the farm. I would guess she is not older than say 3. She is (a short-hair tortoise shell) naturally petite, very alert, a keen & good huntress. She had two kittens on thursday (its now tuesday).

Labour took a very long time. the first one came out at about 7-8am, and the second at about....not sure...11ish give or take, and I was not sure if she was going to have more. I have not experienced a cat labour before, so did not realise it's considered exceptionally long (not that I could have done anything about it anyway). Only reading online now, I see birthing is usually in half hour stints. She was doing alot of panting pretty much all day, but it was a hot day too, with temps easily around 35degC without much of a breeze. She was still very friendly towards me, and in good spirits. And very attentive to her kittens, and kept the other cats at a good distance from her bab(y)ies, while still getting love & support from them,etc.

She is an excellent mother to the kittens. What is concerning me alot is that her stomach is very swollen/bloated - infact I am not sure if i am imagining it, or the belly is getting bigger each day. I am not sure if it hurts - she doesnt flinch when I touch it. I can tell it is annoying her from the point of view that its hard for her to get very comfy without stretching right out, or being able to reach & clean herself on her back/tail & thus LOVES a good backscratch. She is still a sweet heart, still eating well, still feeding & doting over the kittens(and they seem like healthy hungry little angels, apart from a cpl flees :( ). So other than the belly,she seems 100%.

-What can I do to fix it? Considering I have limited to zero resources. What could the problem be? Constipation? I've seen her pee alot, not been looking out for motions tho tbh, I am busy doing stuff alot of the day too. Could it be another kitten inside her, dissolving - or indeed alive?(the latter highly unlikely I hope). I hope it will go away, and each time she greets me cheerfully, my hope ignites more. she is a lovely cat, inside and out.

Advice appreciated greatly, :)

ANSWER: Robyn,

First thing is that there are no fast and certain rules about kitten birthing, how long it takes, when they are finished, etc.!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes a cat will have some kittens from one horn of the uterus and wait a couple of days and have the rest of the kittens from the other horn.

I have had females push out 6 or 7 kittens in a an hour and a half and some take almost a full day to have that number of kittens. In any event, when we surmise the queen is finished, we give her a shot of oxytocin which helps clean out the uterus, condition the uterus, and helps in milk production. A veterinarian should administer this hormone as improper use can result in a catastrophe (e.g. a ruptured uterus).

It is not uncommon for some hemorrhaging to go on for up to 3 days and for the uterus to take a number of days to get back to normal. If there is still a kitten or a placenta inside, this will lead to infection and she would very likely become septic.

Truly, if that concerned, the best alternative is to see a vet, although, from your question that appears to be very problematic.

Please let me know how things go.

Concerned regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well I might have jumped the gun with my worrying, I hope so :). To my relief, her belly looks alot less bloated this morning. It is still somewhat full looking & feeling, but with a bit of luck, it will go down more. She is still in good spirits, eating well, and doing an excellent job with her kittens.

Its a week now since she had them, is it safe to think that if anything terrible was going to happen, it would have by now? Thankyou for providing the opportunity and availablity for me to share my concerns.



It sounds as if all is going well.  A nursing queen feels the need to eat to continue to manufacture milk for the babies. If she goes off her food, that would be the first sign things are amiss!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for getting back to me.

Best regards... Norm.