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Cat with a lump


my cat is a dsh he is 12yrs old and I noticed about 1 month ago that he has a moveable lump on his right side just around the rib cage area, it is approx 1.5cm diameter, hard but it seems like it is on the skin (just under) He has not had any shots recently so I don't believe it's a lump from inj. site.

Hi Alex,

Does your cat go outside? If so, someone could have shot him with a BB gun,  and that is a BB under his skin that has become infected. Squeeze it a bit and see if there is any infection.  If there is a BB under the skin, it should pop out.  Now, if he stays in, and even if he does go out, it could be a small cyst.  It's probably nothing to worry about unless it gets larger.  If it grows and/or becomes infected, take him to your vet.

God Bless,