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Get another cat?


Seems sometimes my FDLH is bored -at least to me.  I have an outside cat that adopted me and they get along great between the screen and they are consistently in "sight" of each other - for comfort I suppose.  My inside cat, declawed, doesn't play with toys and tolerates my Mother's 8 pound poodle.  SHould I get another inside cat to be a buddy or playpal with my inside cat?  I won't have this one declawed.  I want to adopt from the humane society as I did this inside cat - does my inside really NEED a playpal?  Sometimes I need to be gone for 2-3 days - not often - but when I get home seems she is sooooooooooooooo lonely.  please help.  THank you. Susan :)


The problem with getting another cat is you do not know how your established cat will react.  They may get along famously or it may be world war III.  If your mother's poodle is there when you are not, this may be sufficient companionship for your cat.  In any cases, she is probably always glad to see you when you return and give you lots of affection.

If you do decide to get another cat, please get back to me and I will give you a protocol for introducing the new cat to your household with established pets.

Best regards... Norm.