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My cat has gone crazy


My cat/kitten recently just had babies 2 of them. Since then her behavior had
been really odd. She had the kittens on my bed and I had moved her to a
cubby hole in my closet since then she has bee getting up and leaving them
but still caring for them in a motherly way. This morning she decided to use
my bed as a kitty litter box. She threw all of her kitty litter out of the box. She
is a calico tiger stripe and I was just wondering is there any explanation for
this odd behavior.



I have been thinking about this.  She is using the bed as a litter pan, most probably, because it still has the odor from where she gave birth.  Often new mamas are a bit constipated and, so, may demonstrate strange bathroom behavior.  You will just have to see how she continues.

Mamas tend to stay with the kittens almost non-stop for the first couple of days, after that, they feel free to leave the kittens unless the kittens complain about being hungry.

Any place she has messed will have to be cleaned up with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available from most pet supermarkets or farm stores).

Best regards... Norm.