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Help with me adopted ferrel cat


QUESTION: I was adopted by a basically ferrel cat. I live in a Marina and this guy is a survivor - He is actually pretty friendly and has several people that feed him or let him hang out but he seems to like my food better and has been coming around more now that it's getting cold.  Anyway, I came home today to find him waiting for me but I noticed he was limping.  I got him to come inside and fed him.  He let me look at it (sort of) and there is no blood or sore that I can see but it looks swollen more than the other front leg. He is no licking it. He curled up on a blanket and has changed positions a few times allowing me to lay a small plastic bag of ice on it for about 10 minutes.  I tried to take a closer look and when I tried to touch it he started to bite me - in slow motion, poor baby.  I can't really afford an expensive vet bill and I don't have anything to carry him in and but I am still wondering what I might be able to do for him. Other than the paw he seems ok, he ate and drank water but went right back to the blanket. I can continue to apply ice every few hours but I am not sure if that is the best thing.  It could be possible that he got his paw slammed in something or even got hit or knocked by a car but there is no telling. I am hoping the swelling has gone done by morning or I'll probably have to take out a loan to try and get him to a vet. Wondering if I should crush a baby aspirin into his food? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Hi Capt,

What a compassionate person you are!  Obviously this stray kitty knows you are trying to help him and his "slow motion" bite was his way of telling you he didn't want the paw touched without actually hurting you.
You're doing the right thing by putting ice on the paw and keeping him quiet.  I wouldn't use the baby aspirin without a vets approval, and anyway, if he is hurting he is less likely to try to use the paw and maybe hurt himself more.  Its possible that he was hit by a car, if that's the case the leg may be broken and there may be some internal injuries as well.  Watch him today and see if he starts to put weight on it.  If he appears to be in a lot of pain or will not bear weight I would definitely take him to the vet within the next 24-48 hours.  If he appears to be getting better just keep doing what you're doing.  It looks like he's found his gaurdian angel!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

ok, No asprin. I did some more surfing after posting my message and it looks like that is more of a dog thing. He ended up spending the night and this morning he ate and drank and then wanted outside so I followed him to see what he would do.  He limped up to the parking lot.  I hung out with him (he peed finally) and then I decided he needed to go back and lay down.  He let me carry him back to my boat.  I managed to get a better look at his leg and I see what looks like a small puncture. I poured hydrogen peroxide on it and tried to clean the area up with a q-tip. No real scab or opening on it and it didn't bubble up like when you have a cut. I'm not sure if he may have been bit or hit somehow but the fact he can walk and is moving the leg would seem to indicate it isn't broken wouldn't it? I plan to watch him again today and see if the swellling goes down any. He let me put a hot compress on it! He knows I am trying to help him poor guy.  Also, the swelling seems to be above the puncture area if that means anything. Still looking for suggestions or feedback on what I can do for him.  I will be going on vacation for three weeks for the holidays (in 2 weeks) so I hope he can mend up before I go! Again, thnaks for any ideas or suggestions.

Hi Capt,

Its a good thing he has you.  That's interesting that there's a puncture, maybe he was bitten or is it possible that he might have been shot, maybe with a BB gun?  The hydrogen peroxide is a great idea, you can also put antibiotic ointment right on the area.  He might lick it off but some will have gotten into the wound.  You should know in two weeks whether he's going to be okay or not so don't worry too much about that.  Just keep doing what you're doing and watch if he's bearing weight on it, that's more indicative of whether or not its broken. Also, watch for any signs of infection, cats get fevers too, so if he feels overly hot or becomes really lethargic all of a sudden I would get him to a vet.