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extremly thin cat


our cat had kittens 5weeks ago, before that she has always been a big cat, not fat but had a bit of wieght to her.
now she is eating alot more and loosing more weight by the day. now you can feel every bone in her body and all she does is lye about and be sick, i dont want to loose her but i dont know what to do she eats like theres no tommorow and is sick  seemingly more than she ate


This is a situation where you need to take the cat to the vet ASAP!

She may have a problem resulting from the birth like possibly a dead kitten in her, etc. that is causing an infection, or an illness that requires antibiotics.

A cat who has kittens needs to eat a high protein kitten chow until the babies are weaned, and she needs about 4 times the amount of food as normal to replace that the baby takes out of her.

She may have a very serious case of worms. The worms eat what the cat eats so basically she would be starving to death, plus it causes vomiting. Do not buy wormer over the counter though, the worms are getting immune to it. The vet has the latest products that are effective. You also should get wormer from the vet because you need the correct kind for the type of worms she may have, and also one that is safe for kittens if she is still nursing.

Please get her to a vet before it's too late to do anything for her.
