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adopting a declawed cat


I adopted a declawed three year old male from my local shelter and I am wondering if there is anything special that I have to do for a declawed cat. This is the first cat that I have adopted or owned. He is very loving and affectionate and I want to make sure that I do right by him.


I am guessing that this cat was declawed as a kitten? If he has been declawed long enough to be completely healed then nothing specific is required. If he has just been declawed your vet should have provided you with a sheet of declawing after care instructions. The one thing that you should be aware of and watch for is the fact that cats who have been declawed have lost one of their first defenses. Some declawed cats can develop biting issues as a result. The other thing that you need to know is that declawing is actually quite a painful surgery - if you picture your hand what has been done to the cat is that the finger has been amputated at the first joint essentially. Many declawed cats can be very sensitive to having their paws touched as a result, some are permanently changed as to how they walk. I cringe when I see that someone has declawed a cat, simply because it is painful, though it can be worse if the procedure was not done correctly or if the previouos owner didn't follow the aftercare instructions properly....All in all, if your kitty seems to be affectionate, well adjusted and happy, there really isn't much difference in care - mostly just the issues that I mentioned above to look out for. I hope that this answer helps to educate you and show you the potential problems that you could be faced with. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.