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Stray Cat Dying


I found a stray cat he is really thin , to the point that I can feel his bones. I want to know what should I do with him . I do not want to abandon him, so i decided to feed him and take care of him. He eats a little bit, but not  that much. I do not have money to take him to a vet. I want to know if there is a home remedy that i could make to give it to him. HELP.


He really does need to see a vet!  However, he is probably dehydrated, so as a stop gap, you can start the rehydration process by making a soup of 1 part strained meat baby food (a brand with the only ingredients strained meat and broth or gravy) and 3 parts unflavored pedialyte.  If he will not drink it on his own, you can syringe it into him.

Still, the best course, is for him to see a vet!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.