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new stray kitten


i wrote to you recently about a new stray i received. your answer was wonderful thank you..but I've got another problem, he has decided to hide somewhere in my apartment and i cant find him anywhere...I've looked high and low. he hasn't eaten today and hasn't used his litter box. He was starting to get comfortable enuf to come out during the day and eat and use his box but now i don't know where he is...I'm in a small 1 bdrm. apartment so there aren't a lot of places to hide but i cant find him..and believe me I have looked inside places i thought he could never get into and still no kitten..I am on the second floor and there was no way he could have gotten out either..any ideas?? Help!?  thanks

Hi Patti,

Believe it or not kittens can get into spots that you think they can't. They like small dark spaces. He maybe up underneath the bed, behind a bureau, under the fridge, behind the stove, in a heat duct or underneath a chair,(recliner).
Get something very smelly food wise like a can of tuna. Put it where you usually have his food. Turn down the lights in the apartment and sit quietly in a chair,(in a corner), in the room. He will come out. Watch where he is coming from. You might have to do this for a few times before he gets used to you again. Talk to him softly. Move the food closer to you. Don't leave the food out. You want him to associate food and you. Good things come from you. He will settle down with you. It just will take a little time. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen