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Drinking water


Our black and white male cat (now neutered)G.W. adopted us. We have a nice deck with a fountain and he made it home. He has been with us for over a year and refuses to drink from a bowl! He wants to drink from the fountain but in the winter that's a problem. In the warm weather he has been known to get eye problems because he always leans into the fountain the same way and the water got in his left eye. He might drink from the toilet but I can't handle that.  We bought one $50 cat fountain, hard plastic, but he wouldn't drink out of it and it was noisy. Do you have any ideas?


A cat used to fresh water will not like to drink out of a bowl,  especially a plastic one that retains odors or has had soap used to clean it. The cat fountain is again plastic which cats do not like.

Sometimes when you have cats you need to make allowances for them and their preferences. I would let him drink out of the toilet (as long as you don't use a cleaner or deodorizer in it and everyone always flushes!). It is a common favorite drinking spot for a lot of cats. The water is always fresh and the porcelain bowl keeps it cool. There isn't any harm in in except for assulting your sensibilities. OR you can leave the water drip, or a small steady stream, in the bathroom sink (which I do).

I also have a small aquarium which the cats like to drink from because the water is aeriated. And they enjoy watching the fish.
