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My part simese kitten


My female kitten is almost 3 months old and as the day turns from early evening to night (around dusk) she goes wild, her eyes are as big as sauces and she just runs riot.. We know not to eyeball her as she will pounce us but she just goes crazy and its always around this time of night.. Why does she do this? and what can we do to stop it? Look forward to hearing from you. Regards Cathy

Hi Cathy.  Cats are crepuscular animals.  This means they are most active around dusk and dawn.  And it's because in the wild, it's too hot for them to hunt during full sunlight, and too dark for them to see their prey well late into the night.  Dusk and dawn are the friendliest hours for hunting and are naturally their most active parts of the day.  This is the behavior pattern they're born with.  House cats can adapt to different schedules, but they need to have a couple times of day when playing like this is acceptable and encouraged.  A cat who does not have these "crazy" spurts a couple times a day will usually end up obese or depressed.  I recommend when you see her becoming active, to play along with her with some interactive toys, like ribbons.  It's a good way for you to bond and to encourage her to exercise.  As she gets older, her energy level will naturally taper, but even senior cats should have playtime a couple times daily.