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Shredder of toilet paper


Hello, my name is Katherine, and my step daughter's black male cat has been declawed and neutered. He loves to shred toilet paper with his teeth. I have put the tp in the cabinet under the bathroom sink, he opened it up during the night sometime and when I woke up the next morning, I found it all over the bathroom shredded to pieces. Does this mean I have to go to the baby section and buy those special latches to "kitty proof" my cabinets? It's not funny, but in a way it is if you think about it...all because of a cat. Is this more common with black male cats or just male cats in general? Aside from this, he's quite the personable little feline. Can you help me please? =^..^= Thank you.

Hi Katherine,

It sounds more like he is just bored. You need to play with him a little more and get some interactive toys. Try a laser pointer. Cats love to chase the red dot. Get a turbo mouse. Here's a good site for cat toys.
Get him a few things. Change them out so he won't be bored. Do this and I bet he won't go after the toilet paper again. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen