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My missing cat ~spud~


Hi DebbieC,

I contacted you earlier with questions about my missing indoor/outdoor cat Spud who has been missing since 11/4/6.  

I have tried everything to find him.  I keep up checking three shelters, kitty buffet, flyers, fishy juice trails leading home plus so much more and nothing.  I haven't seen him once, no one calls anymore even though flyers are still up stating he is still missing.  Just nothing.  

Am I being ridiculous?  He has been gone for so long that I don't know what to think anymore.  Its 6 1/2 months since he vanished.  I don't want to give up on him because I LOVE that cat so darn much, but I don't know what else to do because I have tried literally everything.

Do you have any advice for me?  I know you have dispensed so much info to me before and I  am eternally grateful.  I guess hope is distilling.  He has never taken off for more than 24 hours before and I am a little concerned because one of the tom cats which frequented my buffet has vanished too.  I would see this little tom around the neighborhood when I walked and he was always sitting on the front porch every evening waiting to be served.  Is this a bad sign?  This little tom is the most aggressive of the toms in the neighborhood because he was the one always involved when I heard a cat fight.  Should I be concerned that his disappearance could at all be related to the disappearance of my own cat?  

I guess I'm grasping at straws.  I don't know if I need to say goodbye to Spud and know I have done everything imaginably possible to recover him or if there is still a good chance I can have him home again.  Thank you for your time DebbieC, I'm so glad I found you.

Hey Michelle ((((((((((Hugs))))))))) knowing how hard it is going through this, my heart and soul understand.

I'm the original (?) Crazy Cat Lady that spend 1 1/2 years searching and driving back and forth from Arizona to New Mexico to try and hunt down 2 of our lost indoor loved ones.  But in the end, I was handed a kitten that needed me so much to stay alive and I needed her enough to finally let go.

It takes us all such varied time to put in and wonder.  Only you can tell in your heart when it's time to maybe just put fresh water and food out for the other strays and step away other than that for a week or so to see how you feel then.  Does that make sense?  Sometimes we all try so hard it wears on our body and mental state to a point it's time for a break.  

It hurts my heart that this one you tried so very hard, yet for now maybe take a break ok?

I apologize so much for my vacation taking longer than expected, but I have access again for the next month if you need to talk again ok?

(((((((((((((((Michelle))))))))))))  Have a bath and jammy day where you pamper just YOU!
