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cat & bathroom habits


Hi Ali,

My cat has recently (within the past 3-5 days) stopped using her litter box and has taken to going on a specific piece of furniture.  We introduced a new pet (a puppy) into the house over the past two months and while she (the cat) is not happy with it, she hasn't begun behaving differently until now.  Any thoughts?  Her eating habits have been a little strange over the past few days too... not eating as much as usual and preferring to try and eat the puppy's food instead of her own.  Any thoughts?


Your cat needs to be assessed by a vet as soon as possible. Your cat may have a bladder infection, kidney issues, bowel issues, etc. Have your vet test your cat's blood and urine to find out what is going on. I hope that it isn't anything too serious. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again. I will do my best to address your needs and the best interests of your kitty friends.