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cat behaviour after birth


Hi i am hoping you can help me.My cat gave birth about a 1 and a half weeks ago and has now started doing weird things such as, moving her kittens and she keeps trying to tell me something but i dont know what.Its not food or water or to go outside that she wants.its not to be patted either but she seems stressed


She wants to have a little privacy to raise her babies. It is making her nervous to handle her and her babies all of the time. Cats move their babies when they are nervous or upset or they feel threatened. Try less traffic around the babies, but make sure that you still handle them a few times a day. You need to balance the kittens' need for socialization with mom's need for peace and quiet. I would also consider spaying mom after she weans her kittens and before she gets pregnant again. There are many kittens euthanized in shelters each year simply because of overpopulation, simply put too many kittens and not enough homes. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.