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Siamese cat meowing


I have a lilac siamese - I picked her up yesterday. She is meowing constantly - kept me up last night. Also sneezing intermittently. She is driving me nuts. I have had siamese twice before but not from when they are little. Is this common and do they quieten down. She is not de-sexed at this point - will that make a difference?



Hi Kat!

Yes, Siamese are very vocal and like most cats, they do NOT like change.  I think she is very upset and is letting you know that she is scared and confused.  I really think with a little patience, love and understanding that she will calm down.  My male Siamese cries for me if he doesn't know where I am.  They are very talkative cats.  That's one of the things I love about the breed. But I can see where it would be irritating when you are trying to sleep.  Talk gently to her and try to reassure her. She is scared and is not sure what's going on.  I don't think having her spayed will stop the "talking", but it's a good idea to do it.  She will not meow constantly when she calms down, but she will always be a "talker".

God Bless,