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Sick Feral Cat

20 16:41:08

My friend took in a feral cat about 2 years ago when she brought her kittens to her back door.(she's had 2 litters the 1st litter the kittens were still born the 2nd she had 3 kittens 2 were fine the 3rd died but the mother cat didn't want anything to do with them much) It was below zero so my friend not only brought the kittens in but the mother cat also. The mother cat had one eye missing not sure if a human had abused her or another cat.My friend had her spayed but it took 4 people to get her in the carrier. I took her in July 2004 and she was afraid of everyone so she lived in my cabinets till just about this February. She just lately will sit in the same room as me but will not let me touch her or go to near her or she hisses. I've noticed her good eye seems to get a lot of colds in it and she may have ear mites but I can't get near enough to do anything. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can help her without touching her. She seems to know my voice now and she's been laying wherever I sat or laid down. I always talk very calmly to her even if she hisses and I think it calms her down but still I can't touch her. Your input would be appreciated.

Hi there!  Thank you for taking care of this kitty.  There aren't enough people in the world willing to take in ferals.  You are very special!

As you are learning, one of the most difficult parts of keeping a feral is medical care.  Unfortunately, too many medical treatments require direct contact with the cat, and that just isn't possible with most ferals.  

If it would be possible to trap her with a live trap and get her to the vet, that would be your best bet.  There are one-time treatments for ear mites that the vet can give.  He could also get her weight at that time and give you an oral antibiotic to address her eye, if needed.  Then you could mix the antibiotic into her food.

Other than that, feeding her a high-quality diet along with a multi-vitamin mixed into her food (available at pet stores) may help boost her immune system to try to help fight infection and ear mites without medical treatment.  Immuno-DMG is an excellent immune booster used in people and pets.  Here's one made for pets:

Keep up the good work!