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Runny poo


I've just brought a new kitten in a couple week ago.
No sign of sick in himself. He's eating and playing like other kittens
Only one thing that makes me worried is he has runny poo
Took poo sample to a vet, the result said he got worms. Worm tablet was given.
I was told he would be better within a day if it was because of worms.
But he hasn't !!! His poo isn't as runny as before but still not in a good form.
Been asked to take more poo sample in for comprehensive test.

My question is what result should I expect from the test? What might cause this runny poo?
To be honest, I don't want any thing bad happens to my kitten.


I am not a vet, but has your vet seen the kitten?  How old is this kitten? Is it male or female? As important as stool samples are, there may be other things the vet may want to look at. Also, has the kitten had all the appropriate shots?  Will the kitten be going out of doors or staying inside? What pill was given and for what types of worms?

Diarrhea in a new kitten is not unusual since the kitten is getting different food and different water from what it was used to. In addition a new home is stressful to any cat including the kitten.  Are there any other pets at home?

These days, there is a topical medication called Profenda which seems to handle all the common types of worms: round worms, hook worms, tape worms. Does the kitten have fleas?  If so, that is easily treated topically.

Beware of the vet over vaccinating the kitten!!!!! If the kitten is indoors only, it requires very few vaccinations. Vaccines should be given at least 3 weeks apart.

Please get back to me with answers to the above, and I can suggest to you an appropriate vaccination regiment.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your reply :)
Nope, a vet has never seen my kitten yet. All he asked is a poo sample.
My kitten is a male and around 11 weeks old. He's an indoor cat, been having his first vac 2 weeks ago.
Will be given another next month.
There are other 2 cats at home. I see no sign of stress in my new comer as I've seen he was trying to play with the other two :) I'm not sure about the tablet that been given. Sorry for that :( and yes, he has fleas
As of now, his poo is getting better, in the meaning of "not as runny as before"
I probably won't go for the comprehensive test(till it gets worse again I guess)

Hope I answered all your questions :)

By the way, can you provide me a photo of "profenda"?

Thank you :)


If he has fleas, then they all will have fleas.  So, you need to treat with either Frontline plus or Advantage II. You can check at your friendly neighborhood pet supermarket for the appropriate size for each cat/kitten dependent on weight and age. I would treat and weight 2 weeks and treat again.  Also, you may want to "bomb" your household for fleas.  I would get what you need from your vet.

Now, we get into the next issue. With fleas you will have tapeworm, so it will be necessary to get everyone wormed.

I misspoke earlier, the name of the product is Profender. Here is a link: You can download the package insert from the web site.

This product is dosed topically between the shoulder blades just like the newer flea/tick products.

Who gave your kitten the vaccine if the kitten has not yet seen your vet?

One question you did not answer: Are these indoors or outdoors cats?

Best regards... Norm.