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Male/Female Cat Fight


I have 5 cats in my apartment. I have had Casey for almost a year, Ginger for almost 9 mos, Chloe, for a year,Spike for 2 mos and and Skye (male) for a month. The original 3 got along all the time til about 3 weeks ago Casey became very agressive, he has always been a confident cat and started to attack Ginger, She is very docile and mostly keeps to herself and likes to be with me, I give all cats equal attention. But he attacks her to the point of grabbing her with his claws and even has Spike to hurt her too. Casey is neutered, the other boys are not neutered yet. I am getting frustrated because I have yet to come up with a solution for this. I do not want to lose one of my cats to injury or have to give Casey away. You help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Rebecca,

You need to get all of them neutered. Having multiple cats in a household that aren't neutered is asking for lots of problems. Neutering them will calm everything down.
Next get a product called Feliway. It acts like a kitty tranquilizer keeping all the cats in a happy mood. But make sure you get the others neutered. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen