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17 year old cat pooping outside the box


I have two cats. A five year old female and a 17 year old female. My older cat is constantly pooping outside the box in another room. My husband is completely sick of it and wants me to put her down. I just can't bare to think of doing it. I have two young children and I have to also consider their health. Please advise.

Hi Kelly,

Cats are clean animals. Cats when they have have a change of litter box habits usually are sick. You need to have her checked by a vet. Sometimes it can be something like arthritis in her hips. Your vet will be able to help you there.

I would change the litter you are using to a softer type. If you are using hard clay then switch to scoopable. Also get a low sided box to make it easier for her to climb in the box. Make sure the area she has been using has been cleaned with an enzymatic cleaner. This is to remove any odors that might tempt her back to use that area again. Here's a good product that helps. You can get it now at stores like PetSmart.

Have her first checked by the vet. Then try the other stuff. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen