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Male Cat and Kitten


We currently have a male neuter cat, he is one year old. We are interested in getting a kitten really soon. Are there any warning signs i should know? I read that Male cats are aggressive and they can kill kittens? Is that true, please let me know. Thankyou.


I would recommend that you check out my previous answers on new cat/kitten introductions because questions on this subject are very common. I see no reason to be concerned about your resident cat's behavior towards the new kitten since you say that he is neutered. In most cases when male cats kill young kittens it's so that the mother cat will go into heat sooner than she would have while nursing her litter, the idea is that if the kittens are out of the picture the male cat can father his own litter. If you introduce the new arrival to your older kitty properly things should go along with a minimum of upset. If after reading my previous answers on new cat/kitten introductions you have any questions or you would like me to clarify anything, please feel free to drop me a line.