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mothers and their kittens


I have a cat(precious)about 2yrs old it had its first litter but it was only 2. the second one was still born  she started taking care of the first,the kitten is about 3wks old and precious does not want to the the kitten nurse and the kitten crys and chases after me, why did precious stop feeding it? i want precious to have another litter should it be ok?

Are you a preofessional breeder of pedigree cats? If not, no its not ok. You are contributing to an already existing overpopulation of domestic cats and it is not appropriate. Also if your cat is not being a good mother, there is no way I can say she would be good with yet another litter. To save the life of the kitten you already have you need to be feeding it by bottle feeding using proper kitten formula - NOT MILK as that will make it sick. You have to buy the kitten formula in a pet store and feed the kitten by bottle at least every three hours until 5 weeks old at least and then, at 5 weeks old, you can give the kitten canned kitten food. You also need to take the kitten to the vet for exam and vaccines and other care. You should be thinking about taking care of this kitten not about another litter for your cat. And if you are not a professional breeder of pedigreed cats, which I assume you are not based on the question, and also based on the story of the first litter, she should not have another one and you shoud have her spayed.