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sudden change in normal behavior


Growing up I have always had cats, and am very aware of thier behavior when it comes to bringing home "presents." Recently my cat brought in a field rat, and ran to his food bowl and growled at the thought of us trying to take this prize away from him, then started to toss it around the kitchen as if it were a rubber ball, I finally got it away from him, got rid of it, and never thought anything else of it, well 2 days later he runs into the house with a bird flapping in his mouth, after chasing him around, we finally got him outside, and followed him to see if he would just drop the bird, well he ended up eating it, and I am worried that this is unusual behavior, or just the beginning of something bad.

Hi Melissa,

This isn't unusual behavior. Actually, this is pretty normal behavior for a cat. You need to keep a couple of things in mind. He needs to be kept up on his rabies vaccination. You don't know what one of those critters may have. You also have to be careful of Toxoplasmosis if you are pregnant. Other than that I wouldn't worry too much about his behavior. I would worry more about him being hurt by something else outside than that stuff. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen