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litter training.

20 16:40:50

Hi there we have recently got two male tabby kittens. They are now about 10 weeks. One of them and I don't know which keeps peeing on our bed. Yuk. They have not done this anywhere else in the house but if given access to our bedroom even only for a minute they will, and no I have not caught them yet. Also for your info we have two golden retreivers. As far as the cats go I have never had males only females. I was also curious if it could have anything to do with the fact that we got them early at 6 weeks although they were using the litter box before we brought them home.
thanks for your time
sincerly sandra

Hi Sandra,

Yuck for sure!!  If I were you, I would close the bedroom door and not let them in there until they are used to using a litter box.  Also , use some white vinegar in your washing machine along with the detergent to get the odor out so they can't smell it.  Even though you can't, they can!  If they continue to use the litter box in other places,  put them in a bathroom while you are gone with the litterbox, and when you are home, let them out under supervision only.  If you see them begin to pee on something, take them to the litter box immediatly. Do NOT spank or shake the kitten.  It does NOT work with cats.  You just need to shout NO and take them to the litter box.  I hope this works.

God bless,