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cat in heat and pregnant?


can a cat be in heat and be pregnant.. We took in an out door cat.. She was a stray.  We have had her in about a month now.. Have set up for spaying in January.. She is in heat right now.  But we have noticed her gaining weight.. I don't want to go take her to get her fixed if she is pregnant..  

So my question was can she be in heat and be pregnant too?


Unless she was just in heat and just got bred, she could still be in heat and just barely be pregnant.  However, if she has been in the house a month, no, she should not be able to be in heat and pregnant at the same time.  What can happen, is the cat can have been pregnant and reabsorbed the litter and then come into heat.

At any rate, your vet can tell you whether or not she is pregnant, so I would go ahead and schedule the spay operation with your vet contingent on the cat's not being pregnant.

Best regards... Norm.