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is my cat sick or is it just some new bwhavior


i have an 2 1/2 year old male fixed cat, he goes out side in the day but comes in at night.  For the past two nights me and my husband have noticed that my cat drolls alot, i mean it's dripping of his lips wetting his fur and the pillow he sleeps on within mins.  He has never drolled like this before, is it just a new habit that will stay with him or is it something i should be worried about.  The color is clear no color change and no unusaual smell, he still eats but it's getting harder to get him to come into the house.  he been fighting with an other cat and i'm just wondering if it's a begininng of a sickness. thank you very much for taking your time to read and hopefully come to an answer.  

It is normally not common for cats to drool.  Sometimes, though, they will drool and be in perfectly good health.  I have a friend who has a cat who randomly started drooling, just as your cat does.  He was checked out by a vet and recieved a clean bill of health.  

I recommend taking your baby to the vet, though, to see if anything is causing the drooling health-wise.

I hope all goes well at the vet!!