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Urinating on the carpet!


We moved house recently and my 4 year old cat seemed perfectly happy for the first month or so. We moved from a flat to a house and she seemed to really be enjoying having a garden again. However recently she has started urinating on the carpet. She is a very timid cat and has suffered from Urinary Tract Infections in the past. However I am pretty good at spotting the signs of this now and I don't think that's what wrong. I think it is behavioural because she will do it, for example, if we are home half an hour later than usual. Also she is using her litter tray sometimes and only seems to be urinating on the carpet for attention etc. We have moved her litter tray to the hall, which is where she keeps doing it, but last night she urinated about a foot away from the litter tray.  The question is, how do I get her to stop? And how do I get rid of the smell?


Go to and purchase Feliway that should calm your cat during this problem. Whenever you catch her urinating on the carpet have a spray water bottle and every time you catch her spray her with the water directly in her face, but you have to make sure that you spray her while she's peeing on the carpet then you pick her up after she's ran and put her in the litter box. If the problem persists even after Feliway call the vet.