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Choosing a Siamese kitten: vocalization


I'm about to choose a male Siamese kitten.  The litter is now eight weeks old
and there are four males. I'm told that the most friendly is also the most
vocal.  Is the amount that a kitten vocalizes indicative of the amount he will
vocalize as an adult?

Allan & Daniel,

Thank you for such nice comments.

It is too bad that the breeder will not let you touch the kittens.  I do not understand that!!!!!  How else can you gauge whether or not the kittens are healthy and friendly?  I would be very cautious in your dealings with this person.  Did she, at least tell you why you could not touch the kittens?

As for Aby's and Siamese; we raise Aby's and have sold many a kitten to people who already had Siamese and people who acquired Siamese later.  Kittens of the two breeds get on famously.

If I may ask, how old is the Aby kitten? How old are the Siamese kittens?

I hope you have many years of enjoyment out of the kittens!

Please feel free to follow up!

Best regards... Norm.


Well, Siamese are the most vocal breed there is!!!!!  Truthfully, I do not know whether vocal kittens become vocal adults in Siamese, but I think the tendency, once there, will persist.  Also, there is no correlation between vocalization and friendliness.

I would go with whatever kitten picks you.  If there is a kitten that bonds with you especially, vocal or not, go with that one.  Kittens are very good at picking out humans they want to bond with!!!!!  If all the kittens pick you, then you are a very special person and will probably do well with friendliness with any of the kittens.

A couple of things to remember about Siamese.  They are the most affectionate breed we know (I know I will get in trouble with this claim, but we do not breed them, so it is not a biased comment).  However, everything they do is "larger than life".  They will jump up to your shoulder or jump to your chest to put their arms around your neck and cuddle.  Unfortunately, they sometimes misjudge the distance and dig in with their claws to regain their bearings.  This behavior has gotten them a reputation of "attacking" or "going for the throat".  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Siamese are wonderful cats and you should have a wonderful companion for many, many years.

Please let me know, if you have any more questions.

Best regards... Norm.