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Drying up Mom Cats Milk so she can be spayed


How long (weeks/days) does it take to dry up a mom cats milk?  I have a mom cat who needs to get spayed next month and they said she needs to be milk free 2 weeks prior to procedure.  She has one 14 week old kitten who has been eating solid foods for many many weeks now.  We still see him nurse from her occasionally.  We are going to pull him from her completely so we can get her spayed.  How long before we can put him back with her so we are assured her milk is dried up and she can be spayed.  Thanks.


Most vets suggest spaying a week after the milk is dried up.

Spaying the female while her glands are still full leads to more bleeding and a more difficult surgery but it can be done. A cat can even be spayed while nursing.

If she is not being nursed on, her milk should dry up within 6 days. The vet can also give her a shot to dry it up. If her nipples are still enlarged after 6 days she may have a condition called Mastitis which is congestion of the mammary glands. She then needs to be seen by a vet ASAP because it is a dangerous condition if left untreated.

If a kitten nurses that will stimulate milk production and she will continue to produce milk. Putting warm compresses on her nipples and restricting fluid intake will help dry up milk production.

I hope this was helpful.
