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3 month old kitten still nursing


I have a 3 and a half month old kitten who still continues to nurse.  He has eaten solid food since 5 weeks of age but keepings on nursing anyway. I have tried separating him from his mother for a few days but now hes right back at it! Will it ever stop? Please help!


Does mama still produce milk?  This is not very good for her.  Some females will nurse forever if you do not separate the mama from the kittens.  Others will wean the kittens and not let them nurse after a certain point.

Separating for a few days will not be effective.  They will have to be separated for a few weeks (at least).  Once the kitten is no longer familiar to the mama she may not let him near her.  In fact, I would consider neutering the little tyke before he begins to feel his sexual oats and breeds his mother!  Kittens can be spayed or neutered as young as 12 weeks.

In fact, once you do separate them, it would be a good time to get the fellow neutered and, maybe, think of getting the female spayed.  They will both be better off for being fixed and you will not have the problem of unwanted kittens.

After they have been separated for at least a few weeks, there may be some posturing and hissing and spitting when they get back together.  This is normal and will, eventually subside. They can become friends, but, hopefully, between the separation and the neutering/spaying, their relationship will no longer involve nursing.

Best regards... Norm.