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Teething and Sleeping


My cat is 6 months old. I noticed he has lost a few teeth. Since then, he has been sleeping a lot!!!He doesn't want to play. He eats and uses the litter box. Also, before this cat we had a kitten who has FeLV. We waited two and a half weeks and cleaned everything and got new dishes and litterbox. Shouldn't we be safe? I just don't know what's wrong with him.

well it could simply be that his gums are a little sore and this is making him feel under the weather. The other possibility is that he may have caught and infection in the mouth. if so he will need antibiotics from the vets.

As for the Felv unfortunately there is no way to be a hundred percent sure but generally it is only spread by direct contact with another cat. please see my web page about this here /cat-illnesses.html

Keep an eye on him for a day or so and if you think he is still not himself then a trip to the vets would be the best option

best wishes Kate