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Fixed female in heat ?


i didn't think females that had been fixed came into heat.  However from time to
time my cat is visited by 2 male callers.  They crawl all over porches and decks,
sniffing where my cat has been.  As for signs of being in heat, she does roll over
on her back, she does raise her back and tail up when being petted.  But she
does not show interest in these cats other than watching from afar, Thanks

she won't show signs of heat, it is impossible as the organs that produced the hormones are gone.

Male cats will still try their luck, they get very frustrated when they are look out for females to mate with and will approach all females. My own cat is the same, she is 15 and spayed years ago but still toms come around.

The tail thing is not a sexual gesture, it is either a reflex from having someone hand run down the back or some say it stems from kitten where they are showing their mother their back end to make sure it is clean. Who knows.

Rolling over on to the back is anatural cat gesture to show that she trusts you as it is showing he tummy which is a vulnerable area.
