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Adult cat, new kitten, much confusion!


I have had my Cat - Tirreh - for 3 years, I recently got a new kitten, about 3 months ago. Things were a bit tetchy at first, but now they got along just fine. The problem is, they are both females and the kitten has been suckling on Tirreh's teats quite a bit, and they are getting quite swollen. They are not related, Tirreh didn't give birth to the kitten is what I mean. Is this normal? The suckling and swollen teats? I'm sorry this wasn't worded better. Much love, Sexton.

Hi Sexton,

Suckling is not normal but some cats do it. The thing you have to worry about is the swelling. You need to try to get the kitten to stop this. Removing Tirreh from the kit is one way to do this. You can try a spray water bottle but be careful you don't get Tirreh. Or try a loud noise whenever the kit goes after her.

I don't suggest any sour apple treatments as Tirreh can ingest this too. Try using Bag Balm on Tirreh to help her swollen teats. This might also help keep the kit away too. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen