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elevated testosterone levels


My 12 year old neutered male started acting like a tom cat.  A couple months ago, he started with the guttural meowing, humping my other cats and his urine is pungent.  What would suddenly cause his testosterone to elevate?


Testosterone is produced in the testicles, your cat is neutered so he no longer has his testicles. His behavior is odd to say the least, but I feel pretty comfortable stating that unless he received a vasectomy his strange behavior isn't due to increased testosterone levels. I'd highly recommend that your vet assesses this kitty just in case there is something medical going on because in rare instances infections, tumors or other problems can contribute to a cat being more vocal and house soiling. I am wondering if the fact that he's mounting your other cats is a coincidence related to his wish to be top cat and dominate the others, but you know your cat's personality better than anyone else so it's something you would have to consider. If no medical problems are found I'd recommend speaking to your vet about a referral to an animal behaviorist specializing in cat behavior, this is a person who would be able to offer a program meant to modify this kitty's behavior.