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my cat shadow is peeing blood clots


my cat is 13 - 15 yrs old she is peeing blood and has chunks of bnlood coming out this happend a week ago and then she was fine for a few days and its happening again what could this be ?

Jennifer, you must take Shadow to the vet as soon as you possibly can, even if it seems like she has gotten better. She is experiencing one of two things.

The first, and easily treated, possibility is that she has a urinary tract infection. You can try to crush some cranberry pills into a bit of milk and use a syringe to make her drink that. It will make her a little more comfortable and may ease the symptoms. However, this is not adequate treatment; your cat will still be in tremendous pain.

The other possibility is a kidney infection or the beginnings of renal (kidney) failure. This IS a treatable condition if caught early! You can still get your cat the help she deserves.

Please, please take Shadow to the vet. Don't let her suffer.