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Queen cat


About five days ago, my god father's stray cat was meowing LOUDLY for her kittens. She had had them about two weeks earlier. They were gone for about six days and we're all devastated. However today he called me and said he found the mom with the kittens all together again. We all thought that they were dead but now we're perplexed at how this happened? Did she lose her kittens? Did they crawl away? Any explanation!?
P.S - I'd like a smart response, so if you don't know, don't answer.

Hi there,

Why do cats like to go out at night?
Nighttime can be a great time for hunting! Cats can see well in the dark. Their pupils become very large and their eyes glow. A cat's whiskers can help them in the dark also. In order to get through small spaces, a cat will use their whiskers to see if the rest of their body will fit. Cats have 24 whiskers, 12 on each side, when the whiskers are forward a cat is curious and when their whiskers are back they are often scared.

Hope this helps,
