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Getting closer to my 2 new kittens


Karen, I adopted 2 sisters 3 1/2 months ago (they were about 6 months old at that time).  They were dumped at my vets so we don't have any past history on them.  They are still very skiddish when I get to close to them.  They'll play with me as long as I don't get to close.  I'm not able to pet them, if I get to close they run away.  Can you give me some suggestions on what I can do to get physically closer to them?  I would really love a good relationship with them (I have had cats before, my 1st cat was with me for almost 20 yrs)

Hi Linda,

This is going to take a little concentrated effort on your part. They are now used to you. They just need to trust you. You need to get them to come to you, not the other way around. Get some deli chicken or some other treat that they can't resist. Begin to feed them treats when they are in the room with you. Drop the food near you, sit and talk to them quietly. Move the treats closer to you as time goes by. Get them to associate the food with you. You want to finally have them take the food from your lap and hand. When they do that you talk to them and stroke them gently. The first time you touch them they will jump. Don't worry, as long as you remain quiet they will lose their fear of you.

It will take a little time but you will win them over.  I have one that took me a year to gain it's trust but now that little one sleeps with me and sits on my lap. Time and patience are all you need. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen