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hair thinning on ears


Hi, my kittens just went through 4 weeks of lime dips for ringworm treatment - they've been home 10 days.  After the 4th treatment, the vet assured me they were in the clear.  During their treatments, they were living in quarantine during which their normal living quarters were thoroughly cleaned - carpets shampooed, all cloth items washed in hot water, old toys tossed, food bowl/litter box bleached, and all surfaces wiped down with disinfectant wipes.  Imagine my concern when today I noticed on the ears - both ears, and in identical spots about midway up on the outer side, a thinning of hair.  Is it a reoccurrence?  (trying to avoid more vet bills)  The kittens love to tumble and rough house - is this a normal place for hair loss after wrestling?  Just seems strange for it to be on both ears in identical spots.... please advise!

Hi Eb,

I can't really say if this a reoccurrence of the ringworm. It does come back in two weeks or so. Did your vet give you any drugs for the cats to get rid of it? If not I would ask for them. Also you can use apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and blot that area. This is a natural cure for this. Or you can also use coconut oil. And this will keep your cats smelling nice. Bring them back to the vet and get that site cultured. The fungus may have survived on the ears. This is an area that is hard to treat with a dip. Try the coconut oil. And ask for the prescription drugs to get rid of it once and for all. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen