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Kitten help


Hello Ali,

I have a kitten who is about 9 wks old. We received her when we thought she was nine weeks old, but we now know she wasn't. Well, I gave her some walmart worm medicine and now she has really bad diarrhea and she is very lethargic. Her entire pubic region is swollen. When she stands up and cries out she poops everywhere, it's like she can't hold it in. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow morning, but do you know what I can give her that can semi constipate her, or something that can make her feel a little better?




I wouldn't recommend anything to constipate your kitten. If anything this problem demonstrates why I urge people to use only vet prescribed medications for worms and fleas. With discount or pet store medications you don't have the same assurances of quality and handling that you do with medications that your vet dispenses. For now your main concern is making sure that your kitten remains hydrated so offering things like pureed meats with a teaspoon or so of plain yogurt mixed in is a good thing. The meat means that she is getting some nutrition while the yogurt should help to restore the balance of friendly bacteria in her stomach. You need to keep an eye on dehydration in a kitten as young as yours, kittens do not have large reserves of anything at that age to fall back on. If your kitten's condition worsens or she seems lethargic don't hesitate to take her to the emergency vet as she may be in need of fluids and other supportive care. When your vet assesses her be sure to provide a complete and accurate history so that the vet can treat the issues and you can have a healthy happy kitten back as soon as possible. Good luck and please be sure to let me know how your little one does. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.