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loss of voice


Hi 15 year old cat has (for lack of any other explanation) lost his voice....his meow is a hoarse sound now..its like a human losing his voice and talking hoarse from a sore throat or cold...he is fine in every other aspect..its just strange that now he has a somewhat scary guttural sound coming instead of a normal meow....thanks in advance...Nick

Hi Nick,

Cats will usually lose their voice for the same reason as people - sore throat. This is sometimes caused by overuse of the voice, but most often by a germ. It can be mild and caused by a virus that will pass in a couple days. But if your kitty's voice doesn't return within 48 hours OR he exhibits additional symptoms like refusal to eat or drink, lethargy, pawing at the mouth, salivation, hiding or vomiting, he needs to see a vet promptly. He'll need treatment based on the vet's diagnosis. A bacterial infection, polyp or even swallowed foreign body or caustic substance can be more serious causes of a hoarse voice.

Good luck!