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Cat pissing on Dog bed


We recently brought home a kitten. He is currently about 5 months old.  We have a dog in the house that we have had for 7 years.  They seem to get along pretty well, no major fights going on more like playing.  Lately the cat has been peeing on the dog's bed. So we threw the old one away and got a new dog bed and a bed for the cat.  He has been peeing on the new bed too.  Is it because of the dog or is there something with the bed and the way it smells that makes him pee on it?  

Hi Kimberly,
Is your kitten neutered?  If not, he may be "marking" his territory.  Even though it is the dog's bed, he is trying to mark it.  If he has not been neutered, you really should before he starts spraying. It is MUCH worse than pee, believe me!  When you wash your dog's bed, add some plain white vinegar to the wash. It will get the urine odor out where the cat cannot smell it and hopefully will not continue to go back and pee on it.  Sometimes when we clean things and can no longer smell the urine, it can still be smelled by a cat or dog as their sense of smell is much keener than ours. Keep a squirt bottle full of just water and squirt your cat every time he goes near the bed. Hopefully that will deter him. Otherwise, if I were you, when you are not home, I would either pick the bed up, or confine either the dog or the cat in order to keep the cat away from the bed.  I hope this helps.

God Bless,