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i recently got a new cat. the previous owner said she was 2 years old. the cat is spayed and declawed so of course she is an inside cat. we have the cat liter boz downstairs. sometimes she goes in the liter box but other times she goes on the floor right beside the liter box. now i have heard that new cat liter that shes not used to can make her do this. how can i teach her to do her buisness in the box??

Hi Angie,

Actually, yes, new litter can make your cat do that among other things. The location of the box, the cleanliness of it, the type of litter are all factors for the cat missing the box. See if you can find out what type of litter was used previously. Also you might want to move the box upstairs. Just think if you had to go downstairs all the time to use the bathroom. Try using an unscented, non clumping litter. See if this works. Let me know and good luck.

Ciao, Karen